Chemical Components of the Rhizome Oil of Curcuma Heyneana Val.

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Hasnah M. Sirat
Lay Meng Lee


The chemical composition of the essential oil of Curcuma heyneana isolated by hydrodistillation was analyzed by capillary GC and GC/MS. The main constituents found in the oil were sesquiterpenoids, curcumanolide (19.6%), dehydrocurdione (17.2%), isocurcumenol (16.5%), curcumenol (13.7%), curcumenone (6.4%), and germacrone (5.0%). A diterpenoid identified as labda-8(17), 12-diene-15, 16-dial (4.8%) was also found as one of the components in the oil. These constituents were also isolated and identified from the chloroform extract of the dried rhizomes.


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How to Cite
M. Sirat, H., & Lee, L. M. (2009). Chemical Components of the Rhizome Oil of Curcuma Heyneana Val. Malaysian Journal of Science, 28(3), 232–328.
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