Harman and isoquinoline alkaloids from Litsea petioluta Hk.f (Lauraceae)

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Hanita Omar
Mohd Azlan Nafiah
Mat Ropi Mukhtar
Khalijah Awang
Hamid A. Hadi


A phytochemical investigation on the alkaloids of the barks of Litsea petiolata Hk.f obtained from Reserved Forest Teloi, Sik, Kedah has resulted in the isolation of 5 compounds namely harman or aribine (1) , norharman (2) , reticuline (3) , isoboldine (4) and thalifoline (5) . Their structures were established through the spectroscopic techniques such as UV, IR, GC-MS, 1D and 2D-NMR.


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How to Cite
Omar, H., Nafiah, M. A., Mukhtar, M. R., Awang, K., & A. Hadi, H. (2010). Harman and isoquinoline alkaloids from Litsea petioluta Hk.f (Lauraceae). Malaysian Journal of Science, 29(3), 268–279. https://doi.org/10.22452/mjs.vol29no3.11
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