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Razzagh Mahmoudi
Payman Gajarbeygi
Foad Mahmodzadeh
Mohsen Hassanzadeh
Raziyeh Kiyani
Mohammad Reza Asadi Nadari


In agreement with the current trend of giving value to natural and renewable resources, the use of
natural antimicrobial compounds, particularly in food and biomedical applications, becomes very frequent. The
behaviour of Listeria monocytogenes during the cold storage (10 days) of yoghurt which was produced with
Thymus Kotschyanus essential oil (0, 50, 150 and 300 ppm EO) with sensory attributes of yoghurt were
investigated, in addition, The viability of starter culture bacteria were studied. Viable counts of L. monocytogenes
fall was sharp from 3.00 to 1.07 (log cfu/g) at the first day and was not present at the other storage day in yoghurt
with 300 ppm EO. In spite of L. monocytogenes could be isolated and counted in days 7 from control sample (1.19
log cfu/g). Yoghurt made with 150 ppm of the EO had the highest starter culture bacteria count at the end of storage.
Considering the organoleptic effect of the EO, the best treatment with acceptable flavor, good appearance was
obtained at 50 ppm EO. In conclusion, the combination of T. Kotschyanus EO treatment and other natural
preservative was significantly effective in the inactivation of foodborne pathogens while maintaining acceptable
yoghurt quality.
Keywords: Yoghurt, Thymus kotschyanus EO, Listeria monocytogenes


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How to Cite
Mahmoudi, R., Gajarbeygi, P., Mahmodzadeh, F., Hassanzadeh, M., Kiyani, R., & Nadari, M. R. A. (2014). QUALITY OF YOGURT BLENDED WITH THYMUS KOTSCHYANUS ESSENTIAL OIL. Malaysian Journal of Science, 33(2), 176–182. https://doi.org/10.22452/mjs.vol33no2.6
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